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Hunter Meeks

Hunter Meeks joins SPF after independently handicapping MLB and NFL for private clients the past 6 years.  Hunter needed more exposure and an outlet for better resources so he has joined the best.  Hunter turned to sports investing after taking a huge hit in real estate bubble in Arizona after 2005.  His mind was made up to switch career paths and goals after realizing the market would not immediately bounce back and he is glad he made the decision then to focus his time on sports investing.  Hunter splits his time between Arizona and Las Vegas and will release selections only in MLB and NFL.

Website: Sports Picks Forum

Website: Hunter Meeks

Community Rating

Pick Rating:
Service Rating:
Ease of Use:
Pick Rating: 1: < 51%   2: 51% - 53%   3: 53% - 54%   4: 54% - 58%   5: > 58%
Service Rating: 1: Never Responds   2: Responds Randomly   3: Responds in 6-24 hours   4: Responds in 1-6 Hours   5: Responds in Less then an Hour
Ease of Use: 1: Hard to follow whats going on   2: Unpleasant to visit, but manageable   3: Site is decent   4: Clean site easy to follow
5: Excellent Site, very easy to use
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