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Jimmy Eastman

Jimmy Eastman has been a professional handicapper and bookie since 1979. He started betting football back in 1969 at the age of 19. When he was 29 years old, he started a small book business in which he served more than 100 clients. During that time, he made many connections at different books in New York, Chicago and Detroit. He came in contact with a handful of sharp bettors that bet 5k-10k a play. Eastman has won in the NFL in 11 out of the last 14 years. He bets EVERY bet he releases to clients and when they lose, so does he. Football is his specialty and the NFL is his top sport followed by college football, college basketball and NBA.

Website: Documented Handicappers

Website: Jimmy Eastman

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Pick Rating: 1: < 51%   2: 51% - 53%   3: 53% - 54%   4: 54% - 58%   5: > 58%
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5: Excellent Site, very easy to use
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Community Comments

  1. Greg Heinz says:

    Only used Bale for NBA but he gave me ok results or at least enough for me to come back next season.

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